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As a web developer, staying up-to-date with the latest tools and technologies is crucial to being able to create high-quality, efficient, and user-friendly websites. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. In this article, we will take a deep dive into 10 essential tools that every web developer should be familiar with in 2023. From code editors to version control systems, we will cover the tools that will help streamline your workflow and make your development process more efficient. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or just starting out in the field, this article will provide valuable insights and tips to help you stay ahead of the curve. So, let’s dive in and explore the tools that will take your web development skills to the next level.

VS code1. VS Code

VS Code is a popular code editor developed by Microsoft. It’s lightweight, fast, and customisable, making it a great choice for web development. It also has a wide range of extensions available, including ones for debugging, linting, and code formatting.

There are many extensions available for VS Code that can help to improve the developer experience and streamline the workflow. Here are a few recommended extensions that can be particularly useful for web development:

  1. ESLint: This extension integrates the ESLint JavaScript linter into VS Code. It can help to catch potential errors and improve code quality by enforcing a set of coding rules.
  2. Prettier: This extension is an opinionated code formatter which helps to keep your code consistent and easy to read.
  3. Live Server: This extension allows you to launch a development local Server with live reload feature for static and dynamic pages.
  4. IntelliSense for CSS class names: This extension provides CSS class name completion for the HTML class attribute based on the CSS files in your workspace.
  5. Path Intellisense: This extension autocompletes filenames for you, it saves your time by not requiring you to manually type out long path names.
  6. GitLens: This extension enhances the built-in Git support in VS Code, providing advanced features such as code blame, history, and more.
  7. Debugger for Chrome: This extension allows you to debug JavaScript code running in Google Chrome directly from VS Code.
  8. Live Sass Compiler: This extension allows you to live compile your SASS/SCSS files to CSS files.
  9. Material Icon Theme: This extension adds Material Design icons to VS Code, which can help to improve the visual consistency of your code.
  10. Code Spell Checker: This extension checks your code for spelling mistakes, it can be very useful when writing documentation, comments and other non-code text.

These are just a few examples of the many useful extensions available for VS Code. There are many other extensions available, so it’s worth exploring the marketplace to find the ones that best suit your needs and preferences.

git2. Git

Git is a popular version control system that allows developers to track changes to their code and collaborate with others. It’s a must-have tool for any web developer, as it makes it easy to roll back to previous versions of the code, collaborate with others, and manage large codebases. With Git, developers can work on a shared codebase without the risk of overwriting each other’s work. Git also allows to create different branches of the codebase, where developers can work on new features or bug fixes without affecting the main codebase.

What is Github?

Github is a web-based hosting service for Git repositories. It allows developers to store their code in a central location and share it with others. Github provides a web interface to access the code, track issues, and collaborate with other developers. It also provides tools for code review, continuous integration, and deployment. Additionally, Github is a platform where developers can discover and contribute to open-source projects, which can be a great way to learn new skills and technologies. Overall, Git and Github are powerful tools that can help developers to improve their workflow, collaborate more effectively and make it easier to manage and share their code.

chrome-dev-tools3. Chrome DevTools

Chrome DevTools is a set of web development tools built into the Google Chrome browser. It allows developers to debug, test, and optimise their websites directly in the browser. It includes tools for inspecting and modifying the DOM, debugging JavaScript, and analysing network performance.

The best ways to get started with Chrome DevTools include:

  1. Utilise the Element Inspector: The Element Inspector allows you to inspect the HTML and CSS of your website, which can be incredibly useful for debugging layout issues and understanding how the different elements of your website are rendered. By using the Element Inspector, you can quickly identify which CSS styles are being applied to a particular element and make changes directly within the browser.
  2. Use the Network Tab: The Network Tab allows you to monitor the network activity of your website in real-time, which can be incredibly useful for identifying performance issues. You can see how long it takes for resources to load, the size of each resource, and how many requests are being made. This can help you to identify and optimize slow loading resources, such as large images or scripts.
  3. Take advantage of the Console: The Console is a powerful tool that allows you to interact with your website’s JavaScript in real-time. You can run JavaScript commands, log variables, and debug your code. You can also use it to test and debug your JavaScript code. It is also useful for troubleshooting and testing third-party code. Additionally, the console can be a great tool for experimenting with new code and testing new features without having to make changes to your actual codebase.

These are just a few examples of the many powerful features available in Chrome DevTools. It takes some time to become proficient with it, but by using it regularly, you’ll become more efficient and confident in your web development skills.

react-dev-tools4. React Developer Tools

React Developer Tools is a browser extension for debugging React applications. It allows developers to inspect the component hierarchy, see the current state and props of a component, and trace the component’s updates.

If you’re looking to get started with React DevTools you should:

  1. Understand the Component Tree: React DevTools allows you to view the component tree of your application, which can be incredibly useful for understanding how your components are organised and how they interact with one another. By using the component tree, you can quickly identify which components are causing performance issues, and make changes to optimise them.
  2. Utilise the Props and State tabs: The Props and State tabs allow you to view the props and state of a selected component, which can be very useful for understanding how data is flowing through your application. By viewing the props and state of a component, you can quickly identify if data is being passed correctly and if the component is re-rendering when it should.
  3. Use the Performance Profiler: The Performance Profiler allows you to record and analyse the performance of your application. It gives you a detailed breakdown of how long it takes for components to render, which can help you to identify and optimize slow-performing components. This feature can be very useful for identifying performance bottlenecks and making improvements to the overall performance of your application.

These tips can help you to become more proficient with React DevTools and to use them to improve the performance, debugging, and maintenance of your React applications. It’s always a good idea to familiarize yourself with the different features and how to use them effectively, as it can help to make your development process more efficient and effective.

firebase5. Firebase

Firebase is a set of tools and services that can be used to build web and mobile applications. It is a Backend as a Service (BaaS) that provides a variety of services such as real-time database, authentication, hosting, and more. It is a fully managed platform which allows developers to focus on building their apps without having to worry about server-side infrastructure. Firebase also provides an easy-to-use web and mobile SDKs, which makes it simple for developers to integrate the services into their apps.

Firebase can be used for a wide range of application types, from small projects to large scale production apps. It is particularly useful for building real-time, collaborative applications such as chat apps, social media apps, and real-time multiplayer games. Firebase’s real-time database allows developers to easily synchronize data across all clients in real-time, which can greatly simplify the process of building real-time features. Additionally, Firebase’s authentication service provides simple and secure user authentication, which can help to reduce the complexity of building user management functionality. Firebase also provides hosting service, which allows developers to easily deploy and host their web apps.

Overall, Firebase is a powerful platform that can greatly simplify the process of building and deploying web and mobile apps. By providing a wide range of services, it can help to reduce the complexity of building and deploying apps and allows developers to focus on creating great user experiences. It’s always a good idea to familiarize yourself with the different features and how to use them effectively, as it can help to make your development process more efficient and effective.

webpack6. Webpack

Webpack is a module bundler for JavaScript applications. It allows developers to bundle and optimise their code, making it faster and more efficient to load in the browser. It takes all the different modules and dependencies in your application and generates one or more bundle files. These bundle files can then be included in your HTML file and loaded by the browser. Webpack also allows to use different loaders and plugins to preprocess and optimize the resources like images, fonts and css files.

Webpack also provides a development server that allows for live reloading of the application, making it easier to develop and test the application. This development server can also be configured to work with other tools like Babel, which allows developers to use modern JavaScript language features even if the browser does not support them. Additionally, webpack can be configured to use various optimisation techniques like code splitting, which can help to improve the load time of large applications. Webpack has a powerful plugin system that allows developers to customise and extend the functionality of webpack to suit their needs.

Overall, Webpack is a powerful tool that can greatly improve the workflow of web developers. It provides a lot of features and options that can help to optimize and improve the performance of your JavaScript applications. It’s always a good idea to familiarise yourself with the different features and how to use them effectively, as it can help to make your development process more efficient and effective.

7. npm

npm, short for Node Package Manager, is a package manager for JavaScript that allows developers to easily install and update packages for their projects. It is the default package manager for JavaScript and is widely used in the industry. It allows developers to share their own packages with others and also discover and use packages created by other developers. It also has a command line interface (CLI) that is easy to use and understand.

On the other hand, Yarn is an alternative package manager to npm, which was created by Facebook with the aim of being faster and more secure than npm. It also provides additional features such as an offline mode and automatic locking of dependencies. However, npm is considered to be more popular and widely used than yarn and has a larger community and more packages available.

In summary, npm is the default package manager for JavaScript and it is widely used in the industry, allowing developers to easily install and update packages for their projects. Yarn is an alternative package manager with similar functionality, but npm is considered to be more popular and has a larger community and more packages available.

yarn8. Yarn

Yarn is an alternative package manager to npm and it is created by Facebook. It was designed to be faster and more secure than npm, and it also has a few additional features such as an offline mode and automatic locking of dependencies.

There are several benefits to using Yarn over npm as a package manager for JavaScript. Some of them include:

  1. Speed: One of the main advantages of Yarn is its speed. It uses a caching mechanism to speed up package installation and is generally considered to be faster than npm.
  2. Dependency locking: Yarn automatically locks down the versions of packages used in a project, ensuring that all developers working on the project are using the same versions of packages. This can help to prevent issues caused by different versions of packages being used.
  3. Offline Mode: Yarn allows developers to work offline by caching packages locally. This is useful when you don’t have an internet connection or you’re working on a project that requires a specific version of a package.
  4. Improved Security: Yarn uses checksums to verify the integrity of packages, which can help to prevent malicious packages from being installed.
  5. Better collaboration: Yarn’s deterministic approach ensures that different developers working on the same project are using the same version of packages. This helps to prevent conflicts and inconsistencies that can arise from using different versions of packages.
  6. More Stable: Yarn is considered to be more stable than npm, it has fewer bugs and less breaking changes.

In summary, Yarn offers several benefits over npm, such as improved speed, dependency locking, offline mode, improved security, better collaboration and more stability. These benefits can make it a better choice for certain projects or development teams.

lighthouse9. Lighthouse

Google Lighthouse is an open-source tool that can be used to audit and improve the performance and accessibility of web pages. It can be used to test a wide range of metrics, including performance, accessibility, SEO, and best practices. It runs a series of audits against a web page and generates a report with detailed information and suggestions for improvement.

One of the main advantages of using Lighthouse is that it can help to identify and fix performance issues on a web page. It provides detailed information on load time, resource usage, and other performance metrics. It also checks for best practices like HTTP/2, service workers, and web app manifest and provides suggestions for improving the web page’s performance. Additionally, Lighthouse can be integrated with other tools such as Chrome DevTools and can be run from the command line, making it easy to automate testing and integrate it into a continuous integration workflow.

On the other hand, Lighthouse is not without its limitations. One of them is that it relies on a browser to run the audits, which can lead to inconsistencies in results between different browsers. Also, Lighthouse may not be able to audit certain features or technologies that are not yet supported by the tool. Additionally, Lighthouse relies on a set of predefined rules and audits, which may not be appropriate for all types of web pages or projects. And it is important to note that Lighthouse is not a substitute for manual testing and evaluation, it should be used as a guide rather than a definitive answer.

In summary, Lighthouse is a powerful tool that can help to identify and fix performance issues on web pages, it provides detailed information on load time, resource usage and other performance metrics, it also checks for best practices and can be integrated with other tools. However, it has some limitations such as relying on a browser to run the audits which can lead to inconsistencies in results, not being able to audit certain features or technologies, and it should be used as a guide rather than a definitive answer.

figma10. Figma

Figma is a cloud-based design tool that allows for the collaborative design of user interfaces and user experiences. It allows multiple users to work on the same design file at the same time, making it easy to share designs and work together in real-time. It also allows for the ability to leave comments and feedback directly on the design, which can make the design review process more efficient. Additionally, Figma provides a wide range of design tools, including vector networks, prototyping, and design systems, making it a one-stop-shop for designing and prototyping user interfaces.

One of the main advantages of Figma is its collaborative capabilities, it allows multiple users to work on the same design file at the same time, making it easy to share designs and work together in real-time. This can be particularly useful for large design teams or for designers working remotely. Additionally, Figma’s cloud-based architecture allows for easy access to files from anywhere and the ability to share links with stakeholders for easy feedback and review.

However, Figma also has some limitations, one of them is that it is a web-based tool which can lead to slower performance or connectivity issues. Additionally, it does not support some of the advanced features that other design tools like Adobe XD or Sketch offer. Also, some users may find the learning curve for Figma to be steep, as it may take some time to become proficient with all of its features.

In summary, Figma is a cloud-based design tool that allows for the collaborative design of user interfaces and user experiences, it allows multiple users to work on the same design file at the same time, making it easy to share designs and work together in real-time, it also provides a wide range of design tools and easy access to files from anywhere. However, it may have slower performance due to being web-based, it doesn’t support some of the advanced features that other design tools offer, and it may have a steep learning curve.


As a web developer, it’s important to have a good understanding of these tools and to be able to use them effectively. However, it’s also important to remember that there are many other tools and technologies available, and that the best tool for a particular job will depend on the specific requirements of the project. It’s always good to be familiar with different alternatives, weigh the pros and cons and experiment with them to find the best fit for your project.

In conclusion, these are 10 essential tools that every web developer should be familiar with in 2021. Each tool has its own specific use case and can help developers to improve their workflow and create high-quality and efficient websites. However, it’s important to note that this list is not exhaustive, and there are many other tools and technologies available. Developers should always keep an open mind to learn and experiment with different alternatives to find the best fit for their projects.

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